A Cajun Man's Place; or: An Experiment in Storytelling after Binging on Justin Wilson
How y’all are? Me, I’m casting mah eye back and having mah enjoys seeing wat I see: I don’ wanna’ forgot the good stories and the wondermous Cajun frien’s dat I had an’ still got, I garontee! How y’all are? Me, I’m casting mah eye back and having mah enjoys seeing wat I see: I don’ wanna’ forgot the good stories and the wondermous Cajun frien’s dat I had an’ still got, I garontee! Wat did you said? “Who m’I and why am I talkin’ at all ya’ll?” Well… Le’ me tol’ y’all a thing or three or two about mahself (I mus’ tol’ you about dis fore I forgets to tol’ y’all altogether). Murphey mah fron’ name, Guitreau mah behin’ name, an’ I’m a cook at Scivique’s truck stop on the Gulf down hare in Louisiana. I wasn’ always a truck stop cook, though, no, that’s for true. I was born an’ reared on a farm between Amite City an’ Roseland, Louisia...